To coincide with our debut album’s release a decade ago, we offered fellow artists the opportunity to remix works and have them featured on the album. Rather than a traditional after-the-fact remix, the artists were “blind” as to what (then unreleased) track they were reworking. Yes, just samples and snippets of pianos, guitars, drums and synths, with no point of reference. No final song to rework, just a new composition of the artist’s own, containing elements and flavors of Minorarc. Well, we thought the results were wonderful, and outstanding!
So for 2022’s “Untold” album, we’re going to be doing it again!
How does it work?
In early September 2021 we’ll be releasing a sample pack download for any artists who have expressed interest via the form below. Artists will be supplied the BPM of the samples, and they will all be exported to align / start at the beginning of bars in their DAW. Whatever happens after that, creatively speaking, is up to the contributors!
Final remixes will be due for submission on the 1st January 2022, i.e. a private download link to a .wav file emailed to us, or delivered on physical media. Please supply tracks as .wave files 16-bit and 44.1 kHz
Our intention is to release the remix album “Untold – Blind” in early February 2022, via free download at Bandcamp and other streaming platforms. All artists will receive credit for their work. This will be timed to coincide with the release of Minorarc’s “Untold” album (standard version, not the expanded pre-sale).
Fine print
We’re making our samples available according to certain conditions, as follows:
- Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. This license lets others remix, adapt, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms.
- Remixes are not to be shared or publicised until the early February T.B.A release date.
- Samples are provided for the purposes of Minorarc’s “Untold – Blind” release only.
Sound good?
To register your interest and receive a download link to the sample packs, please complete the form below: